Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Churches, churches everywhere, but not a Suit to wear? Head to Dallas, Texas

Sharon came gliding down the stairs, adjusting her gloves onto her hand. Wide rimmed cream hat in place, sleek and sharp suit and matching clutch in toe, she strutted past her mother in a non-chalant, albeit airy manner. “Where are you off to young lady?”, asked the mother. Sharon turned over her shoulder and quipped matter of factly, “Church”. Mother heaved a sigh of relief. In the orthodox household of the Dawson’s the only date their sixteen year old daughter was allowed to go on was a Date with God.

Sharon is just like every other sixteen year old. Opinionated, independent, assertive and with a mind of her own. They no longer like to live under their parents’ shadows, instead look to forge their own identity. Sharon looks at dressing for church in a church suit as disassociating herself with her mother’s laziness and lack of habit. What she doesn’t realize is that in doing so, she is embracing the tradition of her grandmother- now making a return a whole generation later. Church Suits are back in vogue. Church suits are a hit with the youth, specially teenagers and 20-somethings. Maybe Kate Middleton and her English style have something to do with it, but young America, Dallas particularly, is loving the vintage! Church suits, Dallas based retail chain- Mariam’s fashion- both are now synonymous with each other. This fashion house specializes in church suits of all shapes, sizes, designs, fabrics and hues. Step into the store and you will be led to believe that every girl will find The One. That one church suit that is meant to flatter only her and her faith in God. 
Church Suits
Church Suits

Move over Los Angeles, move over Miami. Dallas, Texas is the new “IT” place. Yes it is now the hot bed of the return of the church suit, but it brings with it a new avenue of discovery for young girls and their identity. Church suits may not be up there in the list of “Must Haves” but it sure is something that holds equal respect and sanctity as a prom dress. However, this church suit comes out every Sunday, ready to grace the occasion, walk the isle and bow down before Father, Son and the Holy Ghost. 

Mariam’s fashions sells church hats, usher suits and church suits, Dallas, Texas is truly blessed. Who would have thought that Dallas would be the pioneer of church suits in the 21st century! You can log onto to witness this fashion gala and order online for any masterpiece you find in the treasure trove that is the website.